New NATA accredited test methods for our Sportsground branch

Civiltest Mornington & Sportsground branch recently added several new Nata accredited test methods to help service the growing demand for specialised aggregate and sand testing. Our varied range of testing can be used for Sports turf, Rootzone material, drainage aggregates & the supply of quarry materials.

New Methods include:

  • AS1141.24 Exposure to Sodium sulphate solution
  • AS1141.34 Organic Impurities other than sugar
  • AS1141.4, 1141.5, 1141.6.1 Bulk & Particle density, water absorption.
  • AS1289.3.7.1 Sand Equivalent
  • AS1289.4.3.1 pH
  • AS1289.4.4.1 Electrical resistivity
  • MRWA 915.1 Calcium carbonate content

Full scope of accredited testing: Nata Scope

These methods can be used in many ways to make your project run smoothly from initial material selection to final handover. By adding new testing options to our decades of industry experience we can help identify the correct materials for your project, offer independent Quality control/assurance for your quarry products & validate the specification acceptance processes.

For further information contact:

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